As a BillyRider family member favorite you see every price!
E A Mattes Saddle Accessories
Never even tried on - labels still attached. 100% genuine thick sheepskin that is super comfortable for the horse. 2 front and 2 rear pockets (cleverly concealed) to add the ‘shims’ ( 6 front, 6 rear made of polyflex each shim 5mm thick to build up as necessary if needed for perfect fit and luxury comfort for the horse. The saddlepad can be used as normal saddlepad without shims and the shim pockets are undetectable to the eye. Perfect for seasonal shape changes and ensure pure comfort for the horse. Really useful for a young horse as they change shape so quickly with training. I had 3 of the saddlepads as my horse was super sensitive and was saving this one for ‘best’. Unfortunately he very sadly had to be put to sleep. This pad cost £260 so a very good price at £160.